Dues and Frequently Asked Questions


  • The Homeowner's Association does not currently have a receptionist to answer the phones on a daily basis. The best way to contact the Board would be to send an email to: cantonchha@gmail.com

  • All homeowners in the Carriage Hills Subdivisions are automatic members of the Carriage Hills Homeowners Association, and required to pay annual dues. The Carriage Hills Homeowners Association dues are collected annually at the beginning of each year. The voluntary snow plowing fees are also collected annually at the beginning of each year. For 2024, the annual dues and/or snow plowing fee will be due on March 31st, 2024. Annual Assessments were sent to each homeowner in January.

    Pursuant to the Association Bylaws, any assessments not paid within 30 days after the due date shall accrue interest, or an action at law and/or lien against the property may be filed and judgment shall include the costs of preparing, filing and attorney's fees in connection with the costs of pursuing such actions.

  • Association Dues for 2024 = $60.00 per home

    Voluntary Snow Plowing Fee for 2024 = $35.00 per home

    Total for both = $95.00 per home

  • The snow plowing fee is voluntary. The Carriage Hills HOA hires a licensed and insured contractor to provide snow removal for the streets in the community. The snow removal services should be paid for by Wayne County since the streets, technically, belong to Wayne County. However, the County has made it clear that they are not equipped to provide snow removal services and have given communities permission to hire contractors on their own. However, Carriage Hills does not have the right to use association fee income to pay for this much-needed service. Therefore, the annual invoice always includes a voluntary fee for snow removal. It is up to each homeowner to decide whether they wish to contribute to the snow removal services. Fortunately, most of the association homeowners have contributed to the snow removal fund.

  • Please mail your check to PO Box 87005, Canton, MI 48187

    If you do online banking at your bank, you can pay through that method and have your bank issue a check to the association.

  • The specific details of what the association fee is used for can be found in the annual budget. The bulk of the association fee income is used to maintain the four parks and common areas, including insurance and taxes on these areas. The Board of Directors determines this budget every December and bases it on the upcoming year’s anticipated expenses. The association fee can only be used to pay for items the Declaration says the association is responsible for maintaining, and must include the cost of administration to ensure that these areas are maintained.

    Maintenance of all common areas including the following four parks owned by the association:

    Paul Revere Park - Located East of Morton Taylor North Road in Sub 4.

    Leeann Park - Located North of Hanford Road and West of Morton Taylor North Road in Sub 2.

    Umberland Park - Adjacent to Leeann Park in Sub 2.

    Hanridge Park - Located South of Hanford Road and West of Sheldon North Road in Sub 5.

  • Please report any park issues to our email: cantonchha@gmail.com. This site is monitored by members of the Board and they will determine the best solution to the problem.

    Please report any illegal activities happening in the parks to the Township Police Dept. immediately.

    Please note that the association parks are private property, and all homeowners that are adjacent to any of the parks are not permitted to "extend their property line" into the parks. It has come to the attention of the Board that some homeowners have extended their back property lines into the parks. Any "personal property" such as firewood, lights, walkway materials, or any play structures that have been built into the park forest land must be removed immediately. Further, no bridges, homemade or otherwise, are allowed to be built over the Travis Drain that runs through the subdivision and parks. We have had incidents of unknown parties chopping down park trees to build such bridges. This is not allowed in the parks, or is allowed by the Wayne County Drain Commission who has purview over the Travis Drain. The parks belong to everyone in the subdivision, and everyone in the subdivision has the right to enjoy the benefits of all park property.

  • Should you want to volunteer to help with any of the association events, such as the ice cream social, please send an email to cantonchha@gmail.com and a member of the Board will be in contact with you. There are also many opportunities to volunteer with any of the Canton Township events and activities throughout the year. You can contact Canton Township Leisure Services to learn more about these volunteer opportunities.

  • Should you want to host an event at one of the parks, please contact the Board of Directors as early as possible. Please be aware that we do have weekly maintenance in the parks, such as lawn cutting and/or tree trimming. It should be understood that whatever you bring into any of the parks - you should take with you, including trash, event materials - such as balloons, etc. Please leave the parks in the same condition that you find them.

  • If you are selling your home and your real estate broker requires a status letter, have them contact the association via email (cantonchha@gmail) requesting the status of dues paid.

  • The Association does not have any jurisdiction over property updates, such as updating fences or updates to your home. If the Township requests something from the Association with regards to their permitting processes, make a request via the "Contact Us" form in the website, or send an email directly to the Association at cantonchha@gmail.com requesting the type of letter you need, and including your name and address.