Carriage Hills Homeowners Association

Services Provided by the Association

Maintenance of all parks/commons

Maintenance of all common areas including the following four parks owned by the association: Paul Revere Park - Located East of Morton Taylor North Road in Sub 4. Leeann Park - Located North of Hanford Road and West of Morton Taylor North Road in Sub 2. Umberland Park - Adjacent to Leeann Park in Sub 2. Hanridge Park - Located South of Hanford Road and West of Sheldon North Road in Sub 5.

Use Fees to Strengthen Our Community

The specific details of what the association fee is used for can be found in the annual budget. The bulk of the association fee income is used to maintain the four parks and common areas, including insurance and taxes on these areas. The board of directors determines this budget every December and bases it on the upcoming year’s anticipated expenses. The association fee can only be used to pay for items the Declaration says the association is responsible for maintaining, and must include the cost of administration to ensure that these areas are maintained.

Snow Removal

The Carriage Hills HOA also hires a licensed and insured contractor to provide snow removal for the streets in the community. The snow removal services should be paid for by Wayne County since the streets, technically, belong to Wayne County. However, the County has made it clear that they are not equipped to provide snow removal services and have given communities permission to hire contractors on their own. However, Carriage Hills does not have the right to use association fee income to pay for this much-needed service. Therefore, the annual invoice always includes a small, voluntary fee for snow removal. It is up to each homeowner to decide whether they wish to contribute to the snow removal services. Fortunately, 90% of the community members contributed to the snow removal fund in 2019. As the amount of homeowners that contribute to snow removal fund has increased in recent years, the quality of the contracted services has also increased accordingly.

Meet Your Board Members

Jeri Sunisloe



Keli Adis


Robert Carr


Angela Smith


Dennis Blanchard